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What are the Differences between Work Methods?

  1. Stand-by Power: Stand-by Power is defined as the power available during a variable electrical power sequence, indicating the operating condition, so that the generator set is capable supply in the event of an electrical failure or under test conditions for up to 800 hours of operation per year, at an average of 70% load. Overloading is not permitted.
  2. Prime Power: Prime Power is defined as the maximum power that a generator set is capable of providing continuously, during a variable electrical load. The average load must be 70 %. The Generator can be overloaded by 10% for 1 hour per 12 hours for up to 300 hours of operation per year.
  3. Continuous Power: Continuous Power is defined as the maximum power that a generator set is capable of providing continuously, during a variable electrical load. The load average must be 100% without overload. In this regime, the equipment can work for 24 hours.
Published in: Generators