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5 Generators

In Brazil it is possible to save on the monthly cost of electricity, due to the pricing model adopted. Customers today who spend over US 675 per month on electricity, and do not have a Kayama Generator Group, could be losing up to 60% in monthly savings on their electricity bill. The technology used in Kayama equipment, in addition to providing lower maintenance costs, produces lower fuel consumption, which is associated with the use of a differentiated pricing system with the local Electricity Concessionaire, providing real savings generated on the energy bill. For the most part, customers use energy “wholesale” and pay “retail”, causing this big difference in the financial result. In other situations, if your Electricity concessionaire cannot meet your requests for increased demand, don't worry, we have the complete solution for you. Whether for your home, business, industry or self-production, Kayama has the solution, with high-end technology on board and low implementation and maintenance... Read more
on 22 oct 2023
If your need is to meet all the electrical installations of your home or business, but due to the crisis or planning, your available financial resources inhibit this desire, don't worry, it is possible to purchase equipment with a smaller capacity that can manage your consumption, managing its service priorities so that the most necessary and/or priority activities already classified are not... Read more
on 22 oct 2023
When purchasing a Kayama Generator Set, it is important that you know which components must be covered by the equipment.Examples:- lighting - pumps - heating systems - refrigeration systems - property security systems - refrigerators - etc..Always classify your needs, by priority level; This will be important to identify components that will be serviced, if your equipment is for partial service. After classifying the components, it is important to have the help of a qualified technical professional. If you don't have one, don't worry, through our Technical Department we have professionals qualified to understand your needs, and propose equipment that fully meets your expectations, within the desired budget, without any additional cost, for this... Read more
on 22 oct 2023
Platform: In the Platform version, the equipment is all exposed. The noise level is higher and must be installed in a location protected from adverse weather conditions. Cabinado: In this version, the equipment is supplied with a fairing that has an average noise reduction, being supplied with an average sound pressure value of 85db , according to ISO 6798. Soundproof: In this version, the equipment is supplied with a fairing that has greater noise reduction, being supplied with an average sound pressure value of 75db , according to ISO 6798. Body: In this version, the equipment is supplied with a fairing that has an average noise reduction, being supplied with an average sound pressure value of 85db , in accordance with ISO 6798, on road bodies that may or may not be... Read more
on 22 oct 2023
Stand-by Power: Stand-by Power is defined as the power available during a variable electrical power sequence, indicating the operating condition, so that the generator set is capable supply in the event of an electrical failure or under test conditions for up to 800 hours of operation per year, at an average of 70% load. Overloading is not permitted. Prime Power: Prime Power is defined as the maximum power that a generator set is capable of providing continuously, during a variable electrical load. The average load must be 70 %. The Generator can be overloaded by 10% for 1 hour per 12 hours for up to 300 hours of operation per year. Continuous Power: Continuous Power is defined as the maximum power that a generator set is capable of providing continuously, during a variable electrical load. The load average must be 100% without overload. In this regime, the equipment can work for 24... Read more
on 22 oct 2023